Thanks, just don't want to mix the things up

Gato, Valteri, etc.

Please contact the builders and suppliers for information as all will be more than happy to discuss history, options, prices or whatever else you may want to know.
Forums are great places for misinformation (given with the best intentions usually though)

A die will vary with age, but there has been nowhere near enough masts built out of the AHPC dies for this to happen. Extrusions will however, very from lot to lot. The current extruder of these sections was choosen due to their relatively tight QC. The last batch of mast we recieved was just slightly lighter than the previous batches, but still within the QC range specified. Bends can vary also due to variences in the material properties, but this is much less likely. Note: carbon can also vary significantly. Non-spec materials are cheaper but we have gotten in some batches of material with significant variances in the areal weight. Process variances can also change the weight of each piece.

I am 68 kg and can right my boat by myself with out any aids in about 10knots or more of wind. I try not to go over in less, but carry a small trash bag just in case.

Note the Tornados have some acess to their boat statistics. These are from the class submitted measurers certificates. Keep in mind that these are extremely expensive platforms that the owners then have to pay to get certified. As we get certs on boats these could get published through the class but right now this information does not exist in a reliable format, so please be patient.