Grab a copy of the June WoodenBoat. In it, on page 70 is a great article by Jim Brown "Multihull Pioneers, The barnstorming aquabats who created the modern catamarans and trimarans". It highlights the rise of the modern multihull and the people who made it happen - Woody Brown, Rudy Choy, James Wharram, Arthur Piver, and Dick newick. Details the rise of these men and their boats against the backdrop of post WW II materials and building techniques as well as the free spirit side of things in the 60s. More mono vs multi bias in Woody/Rudy trying to enter the Transpac. The surprise to me was Arthur Piver - his boats to me always seemed overly conservative. Yet he seemed to delight in poking the stick in the eye of the mono crowd. Leading up to Newick's boats getting the French revved up with OSTAR successes leading to the French going into multis in a big way (rest is history as they say..).

Great article, find a copy.