From: Martin Hughes <>
>Sent: Aug 14, 2008 3:33 AM
>Subject: From Mr Martin(Business package)
>From: Mr. Martin Hughes
> Manager
> National Westminster Bank Plc (Natwest Bank)
> London-UK
>Phone: +447045763495
>My name is Mr. Martin Hughes, I am the regional manager of the National Westminster Bank Plc
>(Natwest Bank) London U.K. I am 44years of age and married with 3 lovely kids. It may interestyou to hear that I am a man of PEACE and don't want problems, I only hope we can assist each other. If you don't want this business offer kindly forget it as I will not contact you again.
>I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit both of us, as the regional
>manager of the National Westminster Bank Plc (Natwest Bank) it is my duty to send in a
>financial report to my head office in the capital city London at the end of each year. On
>the course of the last year 2007 end of year report, I discovered that my branch in which I
>am the manager made Five Million, seven hundred thousand Great Britain Pounds Sterling [GBP 5,700.000.00] which my head office are not aware of and will never be aware of it. I have
>since place this fund on what we call SUSPENSE ACCOUNT without any beneficiary.
>As an officer of the bank I can not be directly connected to this money, so this informed my
>contacting you for us to work so that you can assist receive this money into your bank
>account for us to SHARE. While you will have 30% of the total fund.I will have the rest.
>Note there are practically no risk involved, it will be bank to bank transfer, all I need
>from you is to stand claim as the original depositor of this fund who made the deposit with
>our branch so that my Head office can order the transfer to your designated bank account. If
>you accept this offer to work with me, I will appreciate it very much. As soon as I receive
>your response I will detail you on how we can achieve it successfully.
>Kind Regards
>Mr. Martins Hughes
Mr. Hughes,

This is fantastic news! I am a Doctor and I am looking for funds to pay for research and development for a new device which I am looking to patent. I need at least a million USD to get started, so this opportunity couldn't come at a better time!

Please let me know what I need to do to facilitate this process!

Dr. Danger Berger, MD, PhD, BMF
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Hughes
Sent: Aug 15, 2008 12:30 AM
Subject: From Mr Martin,
Dear Berger,

Thanks for your response.I wish to tell you that I have been planning for this
business for past four months before contacting you so success is assured once you are ready to follow my instructions strictly.Remember that the amount in question is five
million,seven hundred Great Britain Pounds.All I need from you is to stand as the original
depositor of the fund so that we can claim it.You have to provide a safe account anywhere in the world where this fund will be transfered once my Bank approves it.

I wish to intimate you of my position as the Branch manager of our Bank,we must keep this business between both of us.You should not disclose the business to any third party no matter how you trust that person.But I assure you that we will follow due legal processes to make this transfer a huge success.But you have to convince me that you will not run away with my money when it gets to your account.I will be happy if you can fly down to London so that we meet in the Bank.

Meanwhile,I want to give you the full details on how to work out the modalities for the
transfer of this fund into your Bank account.Before I proceed,I will want you to tell me
more about your experience in investments of such huge amount of funds?What do you intend to do with funds when it gets to your Bank account.I need to know more about your experience because I have not participated in anything business before because of my work as a civil servant. I did not only need your assistance to transfer this funds but also what to do with the funds when transfered.

Before we can proceed in this transaction,I will want you to forward the below information
to me immediately so that I can forward them to my branch computer/legal department for the programming of your name in the computer as the original depositor of this funds so that our Head Office can approve and transfer this funds into your nominated Bank account in your country.

I need you to forward the below information to me immediately:
1, Your full name and address
2, Your company name and address(if any)
3, Your private phone and fax number
4, Your marital status and Age
5, A copy of your Drivers License and your international passport .

All these information must be forwarded to me immediately so that I can forward them
secretly to my Branch legal department for their programming of your name in our computer database as the original depositor of this funds and also the legal beneficiary of the funds in the suspense account.As soon as these information are forwarded to me,I will personally go to the High court of justice to procure an affidavit of oath and claim which must be done before the computer department authenticate the programming of your name in our Bank database.

Immediately the programming of your name in the database of our Bank is done successfully,a deposit certificate will be issued on your name as a proof of making you the original depositor of this funds.

Danger,i know this procurement of your name in the database of our Bank will be very hard and also cost a lot of money but I will try my best to use the small money I have to achieve this on your name.

Finally,you must make sure you keep all records of any expenses you might make in this
transaction both for your phone calls and other minor expenses because all must be refunded to both of us as soon as this funds gets to your Bank account.Hope you remember that I will give you 30% of the funds for your maximum assistance,60% will be for me as the initiator of this transaction and also 10% will be for any expenses incurred during the process of this transaction.Well, we will draft an agreement toward this decision so that we don't have any problem while sharing the funds.

I hope that you might have understood how this transaction is going to work out but you are free to ask any question for more explanations.
I wait for your prompt response.

Mr.Martin Hughes

From: Dan Berger <>
Subject: Re: From Mr Martin,
Date: Monday, 18 August, 2008, 3:10 PM
Mr Hughes,
I am an Army medical doctor with a Top Secret Clearance. My traveling papers are different than the normal Passport or Visa and it is a Federal offence for me to copy them, much less forward them out of the country. I can not provide hard copies, but I can give you document numbers that are accepted world wide.
I actually live in Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC, so communication is difficult and I have to get off-campus to use a personal email. I hope you understand that a person in my position must protect his freedoms.
My passport number: WDC 23453 227 9965 USA
My Drivers licence number: DC78654
Full name: Dr Danger Q Berger, MD, PhD, BMF
Address: 6900 Georgia Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20307
Telephone: Will work on getting a cell. I am not allowed to make international calls without alerting my security officers.
I sincerely hope you understand my position and that the above information can be used. If you are falsifying the documents, anyway, you should be able to bribe someone to accept the above documentation.
Thank you!
Dr Danger Q Berger

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Hughes
Sent: Aug 20, 2008 3:11 AM
To: Dan Berger
Subject: Re: From Mr Martin,
Dear Dan,
I confirm the reciept of your information.I will be going to the highcourt this morning for obtaining an affidavit of claim in your name as the original depositor of the fund in our Bank.I will also go the ministry to obtain other legal relevant documents that relate to the fund so that the origin of the fund could be verified anywhre in the world.
I reassure you that their is no risk involved.I will use my position as a branch manager to make this transfer possible.All I need from you is to follow my instructions very well so that we will have this fund in any account that you will provide.I am sure that if everything goes normal as planned,we will be discussing about sharing and possible investment of the fund by end of next week.
Remember,my bank is not supposed to know that we know each other to avoid any suspicion.I will be telling you what to do in this business until we see the fund in your account.

I hope you are the only person that have access to your email?
You should know the importance of keeping this business to yourself alone.Let the deal be between the both of us.Don't discuss it with a third party or allow anybody to see our correspondence..

I want you to suggest an investment outlet for us because I intend to come over to your coutry and invest my own share of the fund.I have a partnership intention with you but it will be at your own discretion.We will discuss that later.

I will keep you informed as soon as am back from the highcourt today.

From: Dan Berger <>
Subject: Re: From Mr Martin,
Date: Wednesday, 20 August, 2008, 6:24 PM
Mr Martin,
This sounds great! I'm willing to do what ever it takes to make this transaction happen. I have a secure email, but I will have issues making phone calls if I have to.
As I have stated, I am an Army Doctor and I am developing a new device and I need a lot of capitol to finance the research and development phase. I am not actually Army personnel, but I work with the US Army research division and actually hold rank as a citizen. Sometimes, I feel more rank than others, but it is all in a day's work. My partner, Sir Douglas Furr, is a citizen of the UK and our product is called the "Furr-Berger". It is a device that when used properly will weaken any normal combat soldier. Frankly, it will control any normal man and make him do things he normally wouldn't do--military or not, but we are working on a military application. We have found that the Furr-Berger apparatus is an extremely effective psychological tool with incredible control functions over men.... It works on some women, but they haven't been allowed into the military until recently, during the Clinton administration.
The interesting thing about the device is that men lose their minds when they see a Furr-Berger, but we have found that it is effective just to hint that there is one available and they snap into submission. We have found that it works particularly well on enlisted men and it works even better with elevated levels of alcohol. It is very peculiar why a properly maintained Furr-Berger is not effective on some men, but we think that is a matter of orientation.
The apparatus simply resembles a small box with trim. The current military configuration is what we call "high and tight", but when we market the Furr-Berger to the public, we plan on upgrading to a color-coordinated package.... So far, they come in pink, brown and tan, but no matter the exterior color, they are always pink on the inside. We can make them with or with-out trim and we are finding that the trend is going towards less (or no) trim.
This is a wonderful opportunity to harness the power of the Furr-Berger. Think of the possibilities of male mind control on the battle field or even the streets! The power has been known by some for years, but never really understood or packaged. The device would level the playing field and change modern warfare for ever.
So, if you are looking for an investment, it would be a great time to get in on the ground level with this product. Soon, you will have more money than you know what to do with, and with some patience, you could be set for life--and many future generations to come!
Please let me know if this interests you. I can go into more detail in future correspondence if you like.
Dr. Danger Q. Berger MD, PhD, BMF

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Hughes
Sent: Aug 20, 2008 3:42 PM
To: Dan Berger
Subject: Investment Plans
Dr Dan,
Your plan sounds interesting and I am puzzled by your level of ingenuity.You know that I cannot completely accept it because I am more or less a novince in military technology and applications.You have to put me through because it sounds interesting.I would like to be involved because I am planning a bigger and more reliable future for my family.But it must be strictly between both of us.I promise that I will keep all my dealings with you confidential and I look forward to more lasting business relationship between our families.
All you need to do is to convince me by keeping to your words because I am a man of my words.

Dan,I must have to tell you that getting the affidavit of claim is not an easy task,including other relevant documents that relates to the account but I will use the little fund I saved for obtaining these documents in your name.I am letting myself open to you so that you will be convinced on my honesty and faithfullness and I expect that you do same.I will give the court officials some tips so that they will facilitate the procurement of those documents within a little space of time.I also intended to influence my computer database department so that the process of encoding your name in our database as the original depositor of the fund will be given immediate attention,I am sure that I have considerable control over most of my staff because of my experience in banking profession and close rapport.
Fill the form and send so that I will visit the highcourt before 11 am tomorrow morning.

From: Dan Berger <>
Subject: Re: Investment Plans
Date: Wednesday, 20 August, 2008, 8:14 PM
Mr Hughes,
Thank you for your support. I hope you will be a major investment in the Furr-Berger Device and you could help us to market it in your country. This is a major step in non-lethal warfare although some of the devices may prove toxic. Your input would be appreciated as well as required if you do invest.

We have also been looking into a smaller, hand-held Furr-Berger that would fit in your pocket. We believe that the pocket Furr-Berger may prove the most effective because it is not only easy to access, but it would be easy to use. We do not want to make a disposable Furr-Berger, but there comes a time in any lifecycle when an apparatus loses it's vitality. The smaller one would also be more cost efficient and lend to repeat customers. We have found that the initial control is very strong, but it wanes over time. We don't think that the power of the Fur-Berger decrease, but that the effect of that particular box decreases on the subject. It correlates that the subject therefore becomes numb to the power and is more effected by a different Furr-Berger. Due to the nature of the construction, no two Furr-Bergers are alike and therefore merely switching devices increases the interest of the subject. I find these clinical discoveries fascinating!

Please, by all means, if you have any input, I would be very interested to hear what you think!
I forwarded the certificate in another email.
Thank you!
Dr. Danger Q. Berger MD, PhD, BMF

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Hughes
Sent: Aug 23, 2008 10:11 AM
To: Dan Berger
Subject: Acknowledgement from Court
Dear Dr Dan,
How is your weekend going on?
I was at the high court during the week.I was able to hire a lawyer who assisted me with everything.Attached is the acknowledgement Letter from the Bank and also the reciept for the payment I made on your behalf.The process is supposed to take 2 weeks but I was able to give tips to the court official who assisted us.I am sure that by next week your letter of administration will be forwarded to the Computer database dept of my Bank where I will also influence the coding of your name in our bank database as the original depositor of the fund.You will be contacting the head office by next week so that fund will be transfered to your account because I have almost concluded the initial processes.

Further to our previous discussion regarding investment,I will be willing and ready to invest 40% of my share in furr-Berger Device.I like the idea because it is certainly going to pay well.The furr-Berger device will be a success.I will be happy to market it here in U.K and Europe in general.I have friends who are diplomats so am sure they are going to be useful.My only fear is that I need to be convinced on you that you will keep your words.We will employ a Lawyer who will draft an agreement for us but that will be when the fund arrives your account.

I will keep you posted on further developments.

From: Dan Berger <>
Subject: Re: Acknowledgement from Court
To: "Martin Hughes" <>
Date: Monday, 25 August, 2008, 5:28 PM
Thank you for making the generous payment in my behalf! Having fourteen thousand Brittish Pounds sitting around must be very comforting. Please remind me to pay you back out of my part of the funds.

I meant to contact you this weekend, but I was very busy with the test Furr-Berger device. It requires a monthly maintenance period and we have to take it 'off line' to replace the inner lining of the device. The device is still very accessable, but it isn't as appealing to host or subject. However, we have found that some subjects don't even notice the different state. We have also found that there is a very large group of people that welcome the monthly maintenance because it assures them that the device is still working and the host has not 'gone to seed' so to say. The software of the host seems to become a little skewed, but it settles down after a short period. These are extremely resilient yet very delicate devices.
Regardless, these are little design flaws that were evident from the start. We are working to make them less noticeable and, frankly, more user friendly. We have been looking for another investor to handle a new division of the project where we believe there is a lot of residual income to be made. If you are going to be a major contributor and you obviously have business and management experience, we can use a person of your abilities.

The new department would be in charge of the monthly maintenance and on-going support. We can market cleaning kits, use charts, accessories, decorations--the sky is the limit with the Furr-Berger device. Imagine if it were a care-free item that didn't need maintenance and was care free? That would be great, but the income would stop there. It would have to have yearly check-ups and to keep the host running well, it would have to be taken out and used a few times a year. We are considering an extended warrantee, but the terms need to be worked out. The devices can only handle but so much use until they become worn out and need to be replaced. On the other hand, lack of use seems to lead to a short viable life span. It is a shame that such a wonderful natural resource should ever go to waste!

There is one more item which I will discuss in a later email. Since the Furr-Berger is software driven with an occasional hardware interface (that is a GUI interface) we are concerned about viruses. So far, we have been lucky and have not experienced a virus, but we want to make sure we can contain one if it arises. A particularly aggressive virus could completely destroy the effectiveness of the device.

We are also toying with classes on how to effectively use the Furr-Berger and even offer certifications once you have mastered it's use. The devices aren't extremely difficult to control, but we have found that some people are better than others in it's use and effectiveness. They are already ergonomically (and aesthetically) pleasing, but everyone could benefit from an introductory course.

If you have any other ideas, we would welcome a different perspective. I have been head-first into Furr-Bergers for so long, I just need to come up for air and see what the rest of the industry is up to!
Thank you--and looking forward to a wonderful (and prosperous) relationship!
Dr. Danger Q. Berger MD, PhD, BMF
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Hughes
Sent: Aug 27, 2008 10:05 AM
To: Dan Berger
Subject: Good News
I have succeded in obtaining a Letter of Administration from the High Court.I attached within your Letter of Administration which the Court gave to me.They have forwarded all the original beneficiary Document to my branch Computer Legal Dept for coding your name in our database as the original depositor of the fund in our Natwest account.I am so happy to inform you that the fund is already in your name.
It is important that I hint you on my expenses so far.I have invested all my savings in this business knowing fully well that when the fund arrives your account that life would be better for my family.I have spent close to twenty-seven thousand GBP outside contingent expenses.I want you to assist me in this stage both finacially and otherwise.All through last week and the whole of this week,I have been fairly punctual with my office duties.This is because of the enormous things involved in getting this fund transfered to you.You should also buy a file to keep the reciept of all the payments by both parties so that we will be duly refunded before sharing our money.
I have also tried and obtained a fund transfer form which you will fill,scan a copy of your passport photograph and send to the Bank with the email in the form.It is our Foriegn Remittance Dept.They are responsible for international fund transfer .Now I want you to pay attention.We have come to a fruithful and ripe stage where you will play your major role.You should call the Bank on phone and discuss with them.Their phone number is included in the Form.Speak to them with courage so that they will not suspect any foul play.You should maintain a constant contact with the bank so that they will give attention to us and have this fund transfered as soon as possible..I have done every necesssary thing to make this transfer a success.I went to Ministry of Justice.They have also sent a confirmation note to my bank with regards to the authentication of document and subsequent transfer of your fund.
In case the bank ask you any question just delay the answer and get back to me so that I will tell you what to tell them.I have anwsers to any question that might come up but am sure that everything is working well.
I beleive that with a reasonable capital to invest in Furr-Device project it will be a super success and I am happy to be part of it.Send a copy of the filled fund application form.You will also forward the form along with your letter of administartion to the Bank.Keep working on your new project,it is the most interesting part of our relationship because it will stand a test of time in uniting the both families.

I'm extremely busy testing the Furr-Berger device and haven't been able to make reservations. I am taking next week off, so I am pretty sure I can meet in Spain late in the week.
As I said before, I can not call out of the country without authorization from my department. I had to sign a waiver to take my position and it is the government's way of keeping tabs on us. I will forward a telephone number next week that is secure and that I can accept calls on. Under no circumstances can I call out of the country.
I will get back to you with my itinerary.
Dr. Danger Q. Berger MD, PhD, BMF


At this point, I got bored and just dropped it........

Last edited by DanBerger; 12/16/08 02:30 PM.

Dan Berger
Norfolk, VA
A Cat USA139
Supercat 15