Yes Pepin saw me mucking about before the Weds night last and indeed I rigged a 2:1 uphaul, it works a treat but and it is a big but.

At our club we tend to race triangles and often the spinnaker is uphauled on a reach which means that it is real tough haul to get it the top with 2:1. Dead downwind as a more normal windward leeward cat course its works well. Downside is that it leaves ( and I won't describe in words why ) more halyard on your tramp, one would have to make the retreive a 2:1 as well before things would equalise.

I want to persevere for a while with the 2:1 uphaul as it means I can use D12 which won't put those irritating little burn holes in my spinnaker which I occassionally get as its quite a naturally oily and slipperry feeling rope. I've tried to have D12 as the entire halyard but as yet have not found a way for the cleats to jam on it, out on the wire on maximum strain the cleats ( including a spinlock ) eventually let the halyard ease through. smile