Maybe this is old news, but went to their website yesterday and found this instead of being able to shop.....

Hello Layline old friends and customers, Ha don't freak out.....

History Lesson:

October 1986 Walt Brown (aka Crazy Walt) founded Layline Inc. a North Carolina company.
August 2006, Walt sold Layline to Layline Group, a Georga company.
Over time, Layline Group has defaulted, the lawyers got involved.....and OH Joy!

October 2009, "Crazy Walt" has Layline back and will be running it under the Layline Inc. Banner.

Stand by for a fantastic new iteration of coming in the spring. Yes, we are going to take a little break, a "closed for the season" sign is on the door. Got to go skiing and bike riding, maybe a bit of sailing in Florida as usual.

For those of you who have outstanding orders with Layline Group, you may contact them at

Questions: Trish, who has worked with me since 1991 is still around, email her at for now. Henry is also scheduled to come back on board

We look forward to seeing you again.

