Originally Posted by MUST429
Originally Posted by Keith
10 race scenario - my guess is that after a couple of races the A5 crew would be more in tune with the boat and things would even out a bit, with the overall advantage over 10 still to BOR.

Two considerations,

First, How long do you think it would take to get in a 10 race series?
Given that it took a week to get off just one race, that might be a three month proposition.

Second, do you think either one or both of those boats really has TEN races of durability built in to them ?
I don't.

Just something to think about.

It WAS fun to watch, and I am really looking forward to seeing them match up on a reaching leg.


I do think they have plenty in them. the BMWO platform has been in existence for three years and gone out and sailed 200 mile days regularly during that time. The wing has actually proven to be quite reliable although it's would certainly require some maintenance here and there.

I think we'll be a little surprised with these boats. Expect some speed trials and testing after the matches are done

Jake Kohl