
People get upset with macca in particular, but he is just a spokesman for those that feel that the class should be builder dominated, and that if the class revises its rules the big players will start to play.

Well, it is more complicated than that I think.

I personally don't mind Macca much. I feel perfectly capable of handling him and I think the F16 class should feel the same. Every good story includes a Judas, right ? Some controversy always results in additional exposure c.q. promotion.

I do feel however that both Macca and the big builders are overlooking a very important aspect of the situation here. That is their own high mindedness. It is simply inconceivable that an 8-year old owners created and driven class will simply roll over and become a builders dominated class. We have proven to not need the big boys in the beginning and as a result we certainly don't need them now. However, this doesn't mean that there isn't room to come together over this. It just means their approach needs to be alot more accomodating towards the F16 class and less self-oriented.

Secondly, it is for them totally unrealistic to make far reaching demands without actually offering anything concrete themselves. Right now, the big ones simply demand we jump through a few hoops (raising the minimum weight unilaterally by what ? 30 kg ?) before they even will CONSIDER joining the class at all.

If that is the way they come to the negociating table then they will find nobody on the other side and are welcomed to continue faltering with their SMOD alternatives. Because lets get one thing perfectly clear the F16 class succeeded where boats like the FX-one, inter 17 , F17, iCat, M18, Javelin, Energy, Evolution, Dynacat, Esse and what not else have failed.

From my perspective, the big builders have interesting opportunities to offer but they also need to understand that the position from which the F16 class negociates is on more then an equal basis. Our position is such that we can make demands too and hold the line when need be.

So, maybe we should turn things around. Maybe the big boat builders need to proof first that they can even build a fully rigged 125 kg 2-up competitive F16 before we the F16 class take their proposals seriously. While we are at it, maybe the big builders (Nacra, Hobie, BCM, Mattia, Marstrom, etc) need to get together first and work out a proposal that guarantees full F16 participation with the discontinuitation of the their (directly) competing products (see models above).

Only at that time will a situation arise where there is ample reason to negociate and look seriously at maybe modifying one or two F16 rules.

Obviously, oneother thing to note is that the F16 class can NEVER modify a given class rule when that favours only one particular design. So as long as the Viper is the only "heavy" F16, they can campaign whatever they want and never achieve their result. That is basic politics. The threat of introducing favoritism and the damage to the image of impartiallity is simply greater then what can be lost by not making the modification. So anybody still favouring such modification better work very hard at getting some other F16 compliant designs out and make a basket of designs that favour the modification. Only when that has been achieved will there be a sufficient political basis to go to the current builders and class members and discuss the merits of modifying the F16 class.

So, in short I'm anxious to see the big boys work out and present a concrete unified proposal to us. If they don't then there is absolutely no reason to take them seriously.

A time for Macca to show what he is really worth.


Last edited by Wouter; 05/14/10 06:09 AM.

Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands