Even more "Where I am Now":

Two big changes: moved the mast more upright and starting using a tiller extension. I'm in the 2nd hole in the forestay, from the bottom so pretty much up and down. I haven't had a chance to sail that way when it's windy but in the light to variable it's good. And I have the tiller extension which lets me move forward when it's really light. The other guys I race against are using the tiller extension too so it's not an unfair advantage. Last time we raced in the first race there were three boats and we were within 100 feet at the bottom mark the second time. So I'm pleased. Particularly since I was in the middle on that one. In the second race I butched the A mark rounding, touched it, and did a 360 so not a good comparison. In the third one I started on port went right and was half a leg behind by the time I got to the top mark so no comparison there either.

This is all very reassuring since I seem to have competitive speed. All I need is to have the extension legitimized and to be less stupid. Then I'm set. It's more fun now.