Originally Posted by David Ingram
All that drama about being invited and now this!? W T F !! Dude, if you're scared just say you're scared and don't give us some lame excuse about work and money. What is your next excuse... "I have to clean stalls that weekend"?

Oh David.... I do it just to jerk your chain, and you know it. laugh I might be able to make it, but like I said, I've spent waaaaaaayyyyy too much money lately.

Originally Posted by ksurfer
I hear there is nothing like Wyoming in February.....Lucky B@stard. I wish I could be there too, but I'll be stuck down here in Florida.

Wyoming, in February is pretty awesome. Snowmobiling through a few feet of fresh powder in the mountains is the shiznit. Its the one week a year I actually enjoy winter.

Originally Posted by jkkartz1
I was going to ask you for a favor or to do a small job. I vaguely remember a picture of your shop and a big drum sander. I have a piece of walnut that was cut from my grandmother's farm in central Illinois back in the mid 60' and I want to make it into a picture frame for a panormamic picture of Punta Gorda back in the 1930's. I figured if I shipped it up to you then you could run it through your machine and drive it back down here. I save the cost of shipping. But since you aren't coming, can I send it to you?

How big of a piece? I don't know how old the pic you saw of my shop is, I've got a widebelt now. (better) I can fit a 36" wide material through that. You can send it, I can bring it to Tradewinds if you get it here quickly. Won't take long to sand, but I've got a million and one projects to get done before I go. I can wrap it in cardboard, shrinkwrap it, and bring it down that way.

ship it to
Sogn Cabinet Company, inc
12980 Dennison Blvd
Dennison, MN 55018

Its a commercial address so the shipping should be marginally less.

I'm boatless.