As oil spills go, this one is well contained. It probably helps that the shipping, oil management, oil containment, and the wildlife rescue all live relatively close to the oil spill.

The bad news is, the spill is on one he best Cat Sailing spots around, the Texas City Dike. It is essentially a huge 5 mile jetty into Galveston Bay. The leeward side has flat water and good winds. The windward side is a ship channel going to the refineries and chemical plants in Texas City. Further windward on the ship channel(south) is Galveston Island and the shipping entrance to Galveston Bay and the inter-coastal waterway. Between Galveston Island and the Dike are islands and salt water marshes where birds nest and the fish and shrimp breed. So, it's a very bad location for a spill but so far they are handling it.