Thanks Jake. Your reply does answer a lot. How does the little aluminum cast actually remain on the dophin striker to keep it centered? What adheres it to the dolphin striker. It must be more than friction.
I hear what you are saying about easier to buy and replace the front beam but it sure sounds less expensive to form a curved aluminum "patch" out of 3/16 aluminum (provided I could find someone to do that or figure out a way to hammer it out into the right radius. Hey, maybe my local neighborhood blacksmith -two doors away might have some ideas) If it were riveted in place to provide lateral stability and the rest of the post resting on the dolphin striker provides vertical load pressure I'd be in business again. Wouldn't I?
To go the new beam route,...any good ideas where to go for that beam. Sailing Pro Shop? Rick Bliss at New England Catamaran? The online store at this forum wouldn't be able to do that would they? Would a used beam be possible or advisable?

Thanks again Jake. Ran across that awesome picture of you (flying a hull going away from the camera on the thread of which boat to buy) and it seemed as if your daggerboards are extraordinarily long. Are those standard boards on your boat?


The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised. - George Will
"It's not that liberals aren't smart, it's just that so much of what they know isn't so" -Ronald Reagan