To my way of thinking a “letter box” red, 1955 MG TF was the last "true" sports car ever made (by the traditionalists definition of a "sports car) and the most "beautiful".
Even today it is "without peer" as the greatest "chick magnet" ever made, leaving all other makes in it's wake for that achievement. It is still one of the "nicest and sexiest" cars to cruise the "highways and by ways" in (particularly with the top down and a "stunning" girl next to you), for some reason, girls just love to ride with a man in a TF
One thing that the Italians managed to do better than most, if not all others with Alpha Romero’s was to build in rust in places that couldn’t be removed, straight from the factory, (that has been my experience with several different models over many years) but they do drive nicely, when parts don’t rust and fall away at unexpected and embarrassing times.