we are obviously witnessing a difference in mindset here.

While the H16 may be a great boat blah blah blah, it was designed 40 years ago using technology and technique from that era while other designs do what the H16 just as well or better than it does for the same amount of money. Its been very evident and demonstrated time after time that H16 owners are very defensive about their boats, so I'm not expecting any budging here.

I just turned 26 on July 7, 14 more years to go before I need to be updated. (Like the Tornado was just not-so-recently)

Unfortunately I wont be around any longer to watch the fireworks. I have to go to my damn house closing walkthrough. I decided to go with a brand new, better, more energy efficient house at a cheaper price rather than a 40 year old house that may be pretty and hold a lot of nostalgic value to some, wasn't the right fit for me.