Round The Island

Posted By: Blade1

Round The Island - 07/10/14 06:14 AM

Does anyone have solid info. on this regatta ? This website says Sept. 13 and FWYC says Sept. 27-28
Posted By: David Ingram

Re: Round The Island - 07/10/14 04:03 PM

I too would like some solid details. This is a commitment and I can't make it happen last minute. A contact on the website would be helpful or better yet post an NOR and I'm happy.

Remember that long thread we had about why regatta attendance is down... don't make this difficult on the out of towners, it's real easy to come up with an excuse not to go and an NOR is an easy fix.
Posted By: catandahalf

Re: Round The Island - 07/11/14 03:15 AM

Dave and all,

I'll forward your comments to the Fleet Captain for FWYC. When I sent in a proposal a month ago it was deep sixed, and I was told she was making arrangements to have paddleboarders and kayaks do an inside course to P Bay or the sound (Kirk's). They were going to meet this week. I no longer have a clue who 'they' might be. They are trying to add something special to draw more souls...(YC business???)

I will just keep faith and hope for action soon. That race needs some lovin.'
Posted By: Blade1

Re: Round The Island - 07/11/14 10:07 AM

I feel they need to have something in place within the next week so people can plan or next year just turn it over to someone who will run it right. I sailed the first RTI at 12 years old so this race means a lot.
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