I'll try to address the question about toxicity. People have a huge range of opinions on this - some extremists will not approach the stuff in anything less than a space suit. So, I will state for the record I am a moderate - I don't want to poison myself but I want a great finish.
There is a toxic solvent in LPU paints called DiIsocyanate. Like most chemical agents your risk to this is proportional to your cumulative exposute. If you spray boats every day you need a positive pressure respirator - no doubt about it. If you spray one boat a year it may be acceptable to use a half mask chemical cartidge respirator with certain precautions. The precautions are that you do a fit check of the mask and always use brand new cartridges every day you paint. One reason this particular solvent is dangerous is that it is oderless so, unlike solvents with an oder, you have no way to know when your chemical cartridges are used up - hence change them every time. This is only my approach - everyone should read up on the subject until you are comfortable with risk level.

Rolf - I have used 10 year old AwlGrip in unopened containers with great results. I have read the base is extremely stable and the catlyst (activator) some what less so.