racing Hobie Getaways

Posted By: Inland_Sailor

racing Hobie Getaways - 09/12/02 01:20 AM

So thoughts on the Getaway please!!!

Is this Hobie model developed enough to be sailed competitivly in races like they do with the Wave and 16's etc or is it really only a recreational/cruiser boat.

I know racing is also recreational but does the boat have real performance.

The bulletproof plastic hulls have an attraction when faced with rocky shores and beaches.

I'd also like to know would they handle inland waters with their often flukey and lifgt winds?
Posted By: jabram

Re: racing Hobie Getaways - 09/12/02 01:29 AM

I have never sailed one, but did race against 2 this summer on my H16. Must say they did ok, not as fast as the 16 but the guys looked a lot more comfortable then us, and would think on a distance race that cooler would be really nice.

Just my observation though, sure plenty of people can chime in.

Jody Abrams

H16 58467
Posted By: mcole

Re: racing Hobie Getaways - 09/12/02 01:42 PM

Inland Sailor,

There are two Getaways in my area. We regularly sail with/against each other in a coastal bay, so I can't speak for inland lakes. Here is my opinion:

- In light winds the boat doesn't handle very well. As the wind builds, the boat performs much better. When the wind builds, much like a H16/P16, the boat comes into its own.

- Waves and chop seem to hamper to boat as well. The front tramp digs into the tops of waves and slows progress.

- Weight, the boat weighs close to my I-20. Not sure exact weight, but helping push it off the trailor/pulling it on the trailer, it seems heavy for its size.

- Fun factor, most important part of the boat. Example, 4 adults on board and a case of favorite beverage in the built in coolers, priceless.

For someone looking for a fun, indestructible boat, buy one.

FYI, we have been looking for tuning tips and haven't found much.
Posted By: MaryAWells

Any boat can be raced - 09/12/02 01:53 PM

There is no such thing as a boat that cannot be raced or that is not suitable for racing. Look at the Sunfish! It was considered just a fun beach toy when it was first produced. Somebody decided to start a class association and get them racing, and now it is a huge class in the world. And look at the Hobie Wave. It was considered just an entry-level boat and marketed mostly to resorts for beach rentals. After a Wave Nationals was started, all of a sudden, it has become a popular racing boat, and it has a class association and has been the biggest fleet at some regattas this past year.

If a boat has sails, it can race! Performance ability is not a factor when racing against other boats of the same type. And Portsmouth ratings make even the slowest boats able to compete against the fastest on handicap.
Posted By: SGalway

Re: Any boat can be raced - 09/12/02 02:40 PM

Fresh out of one design and new to cat sailing, I haven't decided yet whether or not I like the idea of most regattas being decided on corrected time. I am of the opinion that ANY boat can be raced, so long as there are two of them. Being 6' 1", I have successfully raced and won on an Opti, because I was sailing against another 6' 1" sailor on an Opti. So long as everyone is equally disadvantaged (or advantaged) racing is at it's finest.

Shannon Galway

Posted By: Todd_Sails

Re: Any boat can be raced - 09/12/02 04:44 PM

and if it's a portsmouth race, they could stop, take a, well you know, continue, and still beat you on time!
Posted By: MaryAWells

6-foot-1 inch in an Opti? - 09/12/02 05:30 PM

If you are 6-foot-1, how did you get into an Optimist Dinghy, much less sail it? And there was another guy the same size? That must have been hilarious to watch. Every year we have a race at Put-in-Bay Yacht Club on "Men's Day" where men (now both men and women) get into Optimist dinghies and have a series of elimination races around the harbor. The most difficult, and entertaing part, is usually getting the people into the dinghies without capsizing them.
Posted By: SGalway

Re: 6-foot-1 inch in an Opti? - 09/12/02 09:14 PM

I coach a youth sailing team on Galveston Bay. I was receiving many complaints from the kids that they were too good for the Opti's. So, I bet the kids that myself and another of the coaches could beat them in a race. If they won, Laser time, but if they didn't, back to the bathtub...

Needless to say, we weren't doing much hiking that day, but the boat's constant urge to deathroll with 170lbs in it was interesting enough to cope with. The back of my skull will never be the same as well. [Linked Image]
Posted By: MauganN20

Re: 6-foot-1 inch in an Opti? - 09/12/02 10:03 PM

Dont leave us hangin, who won? :P

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