David Mosley - SC20 Championship Results????

Posted By: thom

David Mosley - SC20 Championship Results???? - 05/19/03 01:21 PM

Details Dave...How was the whole event?

Posted By: dave mosley

SuperCat 20 Nationals 2003 Results - 05/19/03 03:10 PM

1 Sydney Roberts/ crew Bill Roberts-- 5 bullets
2 Tom Metts/Kirt Metts
3 Yveginy Bartomov/Sasha
4 Bobby Marshall/Nathan
5 Allen Bruce/Tommy Metts
6 Joe Crump

Winds were 12-15 on the 1st 2 races, then built to around 18 with higher gusts. Boy these boats were whipping around the course throwing spray everywhere. Allen Bruce pitchpoled his Tall Rig and retired from the regatta with mechanical difficulties. The Russian olympic sailors had some mechanicals in the 1st race but went to sail great(2,3) on Sunday in 5-12 mph winds. Tom and Kirt Metts sailed consistently to get the #2 spot, just like they did in the Mug Race 2 weeks ago. Bobby Marshall and crew Nathan sailed well also for 4th place in a 2 point difference in the final tally. We have planned and agrred to hold this regatta/Championship again next year, so Thom you put it on your schedule now! Probably the same weekend in May 2004.
The SEACATS website will be updated tonight with the whole story and pictures.
David Mosley
Posted By: thom

Re: SuperCat 20 Nationals 2003 Results - 05/19/03 04:17 PM

Thanks Dave-

I will definitely put it down for May. I have a conflict travel wise because the Farrier nationals are the last week in April usually and being in Dallas the traveling time back and forth is a bit much. I may crew next year and either bring the SC20 [if Don Caldwell is done by them...CALL ME DON] or my ARC22 to FWB [Farrier Nationals] and then go to the SC20 regatta from there.

So how did the spot work out with the spin vs non spin SC20s?

Posted By: Marschassault

Re: SuperCat 20 Nationals 2003 Results - 05/20/03 01:41 PM

The SuperCat 20 Nationals were a BLAST!

Something needs to be said here.... The Columbia Sailing Club (CSC) Members are/were fantastic Hosts, and SeaCats ran a "super" event. Lake Murray was an outstanding body of water to sail on.... Deep water, no sandbars, no chop, good wind (at least this weekend), and the beer keg never seemed to empty (how did they do that?). But realy, the Southern Hospitility was in full bloom this weekend and the racing was great! Readers I live 8 1/2 hours away from CSC and would not hesitate to return for additional races - Bookmark their website and attend a race - they do not disappoint!

Is there life in the SuperCat 20 Fleet??? O'YES! Some fast boats and fast sailors - Great Racing!

Thank You - Thank You - Thank You.... Dave!!!

Posted By: dave mosley

Oh go on... Ill send you money later - 05/20/03 04:27 PM

You Annapolis guys were great too. Let me just say they set up, washed, lent parts, to all our guys(especially the Russian Team) and kept us entertained all weekend. I hope you guys have an extra closet and storage area for all those raffle prizes you took home!
Good Racing, hope to have you back in September. And I promise to call when I make my trip up that way.

David Mosley
Posted By: Sydney

Re: SuperCat 20 Nationals 2003 Results - 05/21/03 06:19 PM

I have to second Nathan's thanks to the whole Seacats gang and the Columbia Sailing Club. What a well organized and fun event! They even trucked in sand for us.

Dave, next year I want that orange chair.

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