My G-Cat went to the great big regatta in the sky

Posted By: Sycho15

My G-Cat went to the great big regatta in the sky - 04/01/05 03:28 PM

I finally wired up my trailer, put new rollers on it, renewed the registration, and put the boat back on top. Was hauling the boat to the beach where I usually keep it when someone ran a red-light and hit it. Tore the trailer right off my hitch and about made the hulls explode. Even the cross-beams bent, so there is very little left to salvage I don't have insurance on the boat, but think his insurace should cover replacing it, right? I'm thinking an 18sq would be more my style these days.
Posted By: Jake

Re: My G-Cat went to the great big regatta in the sky - 04/01/05 04:04 PM

Dude...sorry to hear that. Heck yeah his insurance should be paying for it....there's something too that if you are towing it with your car that your standard automotive insurance might kick in in the case of an underinsured motorist or something like that; but the rules are a bit foggy there and differ from area to area.
Posted By: MauganN20

Re: My G-Cat went to the great big regatta in the sky - 04/01/05 06:08 PM

man that sucks... I hope you get hooked up with a sweet new ride man.
Posted By: Robi

Re: My G-Cat went to the great big regatta in the sky - 04/01/05 06:51 PM

Sorry to hear about your loss! Time for a new cough cough Blade!
Posted By: David Ingram

Re: My G-Cat went to the great big regatta in the - 04/01/05 07:06 PM


I'm pretty sure FL is a no fault state which means you're screwed.

Besides, why wasn't the boat insured in the first place?

Posted By: catman

Re: My G-Cat went to the great big regatta in the - 04/01/05 09:24 PM

Did the driver of the other car get a ticket? If so his insurance is certainly responsible. Have you contacted other drivers insurance Co. yet? Call Hans and ask him what new hulls,beams,etc cost. Get a check...go sailing!
Posted By: waterbug_wpb

Re: My G-Cat went to the great big regatta in the - 04/01/05 10:20 PM

Ding's right, Florida is a No-Fault state. However, the driver who clobbered your boat should pay for the ACTUAL CASH VALUE of the trailer/boat from his/her liability policy. Let's hope the property damage limit on the policy is greater than the state required minimum ($20,000). You can try to get replacement cost, but I'm not sure that would happen.

How much is a G-Cat worth these days?

This brings up a good point. Check your OWN policy, because most policies don't cover YOUR boat/trailer for damage unless you schedule them.

You are covered for liability if that trailer causes bodily injury/property damage (to someone or something else) while being towed, but the policy won't (generally speaking) cover damage to your trailer/boat.
Posted By: Sycho15

Re: My G-Cat went to the great big regatta in the - 04/02/05 04:16 AM


I still haven't touched that stupid trailer. Been working on replacing all the wheel/spindle bearings on my truck.

On a positive note- this does bring to light some possible problems we could all have regarding our insurance policies. A G-Cat, with trailer, goes for about $1500 these days I'd guess. I paid $1400 for mine about seven years ago, but have kept up the maintenance and replaced a lot of things (trailer, blocks, standing/running rigging).
Posted By: catman

Re: My G-Cat went to the great big regatta in the - 04/02/05 10:44 AM

Ok,the FOOL-ish joke aside, I was towing a enclosed trailer I have and some yutz who thought he was going need the 2 seconds he would have lost if he had only waited until my trailer passed his car before he pulled out........anyway he hit the rear axle and body of the trailer $1800 damage.

He was at fault and I called his Ins. Co on the spot. He admitted to his Co. he was at fault(there was this nice state trooper standing there asking me if I wanted her to write him a ticket for failing to yield). His Co. paid, trailer fixed.
Posted By: CraigO

Re: My G-Cat went to the great big regatta in the - 04/02/05 12:34 PM

Glad everything is OK.
But it amazes me who does not carry insurance. It is so cheap to get and worth every penny if you have to use it. Especially if the other person refuses, just turn it over to your insurance, and let them sue them for the dollars.

Posted By: Jake

Re: My G-Cat went to the great big regatta in the - 04/02/05 01:17 PM

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