Nacra 5.2 Singlehanding

Posted By: dickcnacra52

Nacra 5.2 Singlehanding - 04/08/05 12:36 AM

I will be mostly single handing my 5.2 and racing on inland lakes in 5 to 12 mph winds. I'm wondering how much effort I should make to getting the jib just right versus concentrating on the main. What do you single handers do with the jib - set and go, or constantly work it?

Thanks for any ideas.

Dick C
N 5.2 #3002
Posted By: wyatt

Re: Nacra 5.2 Singlehanding - 04/08/05 12:28 PM


I have a Hobie 18 Magnum that I solo all the time. I set the jib according to the wind conditions, but I leave the jibsheet near the shroud in case I want to play with it in lighter winds. In heavier winds I never touch it unless I'm starting the tacking sequence (see Rick White's tacking video). I always keep my Mainsheet and tiller in hand, and I like to play with the traveler.

When the winds get over 18, I furl it so I can control the boat easier. Do you have a furler on your rig?

Posted By: Fearless_Rider

Re: Nacra 5.2 Singlehanding - 04/08/05 12:42 PM

In general, I've had great success solo sailing my N5.2 while controling the jib as follows:
Up wind (to A mark)- set the jib tight and sail to the tell tales!
Down wind (with out spin)- set the jib soft, use barber haulers, and sail to the tell tales again!
Reaching - set jib soft, and pump the mainsail. (got this advice on this website) This works awesome, keeps the jib from driving the bows down in a hot reach, but plenty of power while hiked out and driving off the main! Please forgive the redundancy of posting this picture again!
[Linked Image]
Posted By: dickcnacra52

Re: Nacra 5.2 Singlehanding - 04/08/05 06:41 PM

Wyatt - not yet. I've been sailing a one sail MC Scow and am just curious how much effort I have to put on keeping the jib just perfect like I used to have to do in my Scot. Maybe after recovering from the tax man I can start to look at adding the furling - bet it is a big help. Thanks for the note.

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