GYC Club racing

Posted By: pgp

GYC Club racing - 07/19/09 02:34 PM

Good wind and a nice turn out! Often we have drifters this time of year, but not yesterday! I'm guessing wind was around 12 with an occasional gust of 15 or a little higher, mostly out of the west. Not surprising was the swirling, shifty conditions you'd expect on lakes and bays. Thankfully we had some cloud cover, because it was HOT!

Eleven boats composed of 5 F18s, 3 A class, and three F16s. As a fleet, the 18s were able to separate very handily from the rest, with Ollie and Kelly Jason pulling off the win. The one new addition was the ex-Mike Krantz F18 now being sailed by Karl and Beth and they did well, being in the middle of the fight all day.

Despite some adversity it was a good day on the water. Seth is having some problems with the Taipan so opted to sail with me. Gordon's A class was smashed up a few weeks ago (traffic accident)and the replacement has not yet arrived. So, he and Stefan teamed on the Taipan. Gordo and Stefan got the better of us and we had to look at Stefan's **** eating grin all afternoon! grin But, at least we made them work for it! Matt and Zach Lynch were a little further back. You may remember that Zach is 12 y.o. and I think there may have been just enough wind to over power them.

Rush Bird had the best of the A class, though I can't remeber where he finished in the overall standings.

Dinner was bbq ribs and they were great! Thick and juicy with a tangy sauce. They were finished of with tossed salad, corn on the cob, and of course, a cold keg to wash it all down.

Life is good.

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