Anybody sailing at

Posted By: MartinS

Anybody sailing at - 11/29/09 10:56 AM

Hello guys

Is there anybody of you sailing on the platform. I'm actually sailing there the clipper Race.

If anybody of you want to join - it's always possible to start a boat there - and the computer will but you in the middle of the race - feel free to join.

We then can put us together on the friends list an see the position of each boat. If anybody joins - i'm sailing with the name upsdhl.

Hope to race with you virtually too. Best regards from switzerland.

Posted By: Timbo

Re: Anybody sailing at - 12/04/09 02:18 PM

Martin, how is your virtual race going? How much distance is left? Did you get your spinnaker down in time to save it?

Good luck!
Posted By: MartinS

Re: Anybody sailing at - 12/04/09 10:36 PM

Hey Timbo

Thanks - i'm doing quite well. Actually im at position 7933 and i have 2115 miles left to Geraldton. The boat is easy to sail and i play the game with very few logins. Usually twice a day - alwas when the new wind is announced - and this is 08:00am and 08:00pm swiss time. The new wind indications are much better for me then during the Volvo Ocean Race. At the Volvo Ocean race the new wind was at 11:00 am/pm. mmhhh - i was never early in bed.

I still have fun sailing virtualregatte and hope others will join, too. The first one joined today, great.

Snowy greetings from Switzerland

Posted By: Timbo

Re: Anybody sailing at - 12/05/09 02:02 AM

Good luck in the race Martin and please tell Roman Polanski I said HI, and we must get together and Party with him!

I'll bring my 13 yr. old daughter...

They are showing his Challet on CNN here today, looks nice, and it was snowing too!

Then we can go to Italy and find some Brit chicks to hang out with...I hear the polizi down there love it when that happens.

Be good!
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