You guys are completely missing the point, it's a pretty impossible logistical problem to solve, not to mention a financial one. The area to be protected is simply too big to protect from all of these storms. And, it's not just the storm surge (encroaching sea) to worry about, the four feet of rain in this storm was well inland, way beyond what a sea wall (of any size) would protect.

We all pay for the repairs through higher taxes and insurance. And sadly, people pay the ultimate price with their lives. But, we can't protect everyone from everything. The odds of dying in your car on a sunny day (crash) far outweigh your odds of seeing a flood coming to your area.

Lots of us shake our heads when people build homes on the seashore, sometimes on stilts. Eventually, a storm comes and wipes them out, and the owners act surprised and insist on rebuilding. It's worse when we have to contribute to the insurance premiums to make that happen.
