Originally Posted by pgp
Waiting for our USS rep to wade in...

Are you referring to me, or any of the judges that frequent here (Eric, Matt, etc.)?

Keeping course changes, lack of lookout, obstructions, etc. out of the discussion, it is very simple.

Think about any potential crossing as a 4-way intersection, because there are really only 4 basic ways boats will be heading when converging in open water, holding a steady course.

In crossing situations:

Starboard, closehauled boats have ROW over everyone.

Port, closehauled boats have ROW only on port running boats.

Starboard, running boats have ROW over all port boats.

Port, running boats have no ROW.

Reaching is the same as running for this discussion.

As mentioned, number of sails up, experience of the teams, color of your hair (or lack of it), has no bearing.

By the book, you should protest any time you are fouled.

Hope this helps, and you are not on a secret mission...
