Originally Posted by Mark Schneider
The US put a handful of sailors into the medal round.

Not in the N17 class in Miami. That's what we're talking about, right? The highest placing US sailor was Mike Easton in 21st. Not bad, given his limited experience with the boat, but not good enough for the medal race.

Originally Posted by Mark Schneider
What accounts for the International Fleet getting blitzed in the big breeze?

WTheF are you talking about? Most of the "International Fleet" was able to handle the breeze.

Re: the decision to race - PU had some serious balls to go against the Miami OA - and was lucky he had the support of the T sailors. He got invited back only because he really was (is) that good. A move like that by a course RO now would get you a nice "thank-you, your services are no longer needed" note for not being a "team player".