Hey All,

I was at the event, though I heard of the incident 2nd hand as well…
That Pete drove over this fisherman’s essentially invisible line and maybe pulled a pole from THE BOTTOM of his boat , is distantly secondary to the violent, irrational reaction that he "provoked".Why are we so willing to pound insane , violent and purely cathartic behavior, into an entirely false context of establishing fault ?! The is a world class example of the increasingly pervasive "on the edge / social pathology" that will eventually visit all of us…This guy was certain to explode at someone that morning.If the guys on Rhino hadn’t provided a conduit for that violence, I suspect the victim would have been much younger, more proximal and would have addressed this poor nut as Daddy…
Rhino, your $250 likely bought an eight year old girl her front teeth and delayed the reception of a memory that’ll wound her long after the damage is repaired…
