One and all, barring the arrival of the potential tropical storm, we're hopefully out of the wet spring weather and back in the typical summer sea-breeze schedule. Unfortunately our schedule had about a month til the next event, so we decided to move the date for the Mayor's Cup event back to an open date of 8/2/03. We will be launching at Mom's beach up the way from Key Sailing, skipper's meeting/first race at 11:00. It will be a Sat only event, "no-frills", laid-back, probably hack off the beach type of fun event. This will keep us tuned up over the summer for the nationals events we'll be busy with this fall (H20/Tiger 9/15-19, Performance 10/13-16).

Also of note, the Big Mouth Seabouy race (PBYC) is still on for 8/16, and the Lundquist regatta (PYC) is still on for 8/23, and Juana's Goodtime Regatta(Navarre Beach) is on for 9/6-7. The Lundquist will likely have to be run from Chickenbone beach since Sanders beach is under repair, more details to follow.

Spread the word, and see ya on the water.
