Originally Posted by TEH
Do you do more to promote H14/H16 sailing to develop a feeder pool? Those boats are certainly inexpensive and can hook you into cat sailing. It did for me.
That's exactly what I do, of the dozen or so I've resurrected in the last five years only four have been sold to folks under 30.
I've succumbed to the realization that's a pretty good percentage.
The percentage (below age 30) of people who have contacted me to help them "put their boat together, set it up, show them a few pointers" are about 25%.
I've set through a many boat/sport shows and bent the ear of many a young lad and lassie, but more often than not the ones that call back are nearer my age (53).
I wish they were all young, but if someone asks, I'm helping out, no matter what their age.

John H16, H14