Originally Posted by Mark Schneider
So... Midwinters in January were held in the Keys (Ilesmorada) including Miami OCRs and youth qualifiers . for all classes...

The March/April period saw three events each trying to draw from the national pool of racers. The results are mixed..
Spring Fever all classes (cratered)
Hobie Midwinters Hobie 16, 17, 18 an No F18s)
Davis Island, A class.
Charlston for F18s never flew
Outer Banks for A class never flew.

So, this is tough on Regatta organizers.. This time period is the beginning of your sailing season in Fla, the South and the Gulf coast... What are your thoughts about what needs to happen looking forward to next year?

The F18 class did not attempt to attend Charleston, so I wouldn't say that was a failure.

Earlier you asked about the benefits of attending big multi-class events, and the stability of those events is a huge draw. With an event like the Newport or Hyannis regatta, there is a very very small chance of cancellation. Large events tend to have an organized web presence, timely pre-registration, and consistent logistics. It is very easy to plan in advance for these events because they happen the same weekend every year. If I had booked travel for an event like Spring fever only to have it cancelled I would be very unhappy.

USF18 Eastern Area Rep
Nacra Infusion USA 753