That's a no brainer. Sailboat racing is such a multi-tasking sport that while you may lack "talent" in one aspect, you can make up for it by excelling in the overall package and that means proper preparation to prevent poor performance (the 5 P's). Cut to the chase - those who spend more quality time on the water will win more races. Quality time is practice based upon set goals each time you are on the water. I really enjoy training on my A-cat. I look forward to planning each session on the water and then reviewing at the end of the day what I have learned whether I am sailing by myself (which is 99% of the time) or having the luxury of a fast training partner. Training never seems old, it is always fun (sometimes more fun than the racing).

That is one great advantage to sailing an A-class. You can spend a lot of time on the water and that can make you a really good sailor in anything you sail. Ha, got my "another reason to own an A-cat" blurb in!

Bob Hodges
A-Class USA 230