And then if you're towards the back of the pack and you've got a low throwout you might decide going left is worth it because you don't have much to lose. And if you end up losing by it, you can say "Well, I took a calculated risk that didn't pan out" instead of whining and saying "I was unlucky".

Yes this is a rick, but not much of one, same thing as me going to work for Intel instead staying where I am at verses starting a new career in say civil engineering.

Now, take the guy in 3rd place out of say a pack of 15, he makes a decision to go a different route for some reason. That is a much larger risk (way more to loose than gain). Yes, luck might play into that result also. Maybe he saw something nobody else did?. Now lets say that he stays the course and a strange puff comes along right up his alley way so to speak and puts him in 1st place and he wins, luck, talent or skill??????? We have all seen stranger things happen.


[b] Sail Like you have a Pair