
Sour Grapes????

We've known each other for +20yrs .... Did I say anything not true????

Robbie replaces his spinnacker after every two day regatta and so does Lovell and Olgeltree so I've been told

Has an A-Cat ever completed a Down the Bay, C100, or Statue of Liberty Race????

How much experience on catmarans did you have before you purchased a 20' speed machine??? I remember a P16 and a P19, with years of racing ... and weren't there some additional cats in there.

Maybe Roland wants a hi-tech boat but shouldn't he learn first the unique lessons of sailing catamarans on a forgiving "tanker" before investing $$$'s in an unforgiving speed machine that requires the replacement of sails and parts more often to stay competitive. Just like you did???

What's starting to annoy me is the attitude that if you are not sailing a $20,000 catamaran you are not worthy .... Last year I was severely cut-off on a leeward/windward crossing stuation when I was the right of way vessel ... but since I was a lowly TheMightyHobie18 and not the A-Cat I had no rights it seems. I had to "bail" radically, teabagging my niece. Next time I just may hold my course and cut that A-Cat in half w/ my TheMightyHobie18 or P19 that I need a tractor to drag around.

There are alot of cat sailors out there that sail BORING H16's/TheMightyHobie18's and other older cats, that are excellent sailors and are having a good time.

It's about selecting the correct boat to get Roland (and his family), started sailing Catamarans, and wanting to keep sailing/racing Cats into the future, while developing his skill set.

It's just like if you knew someone who wants to race cars ... you are not going to put them in a INDY or Formula ONE car to start w/ ... or are you???

An A-Cat is a beautiful sailing machine ... delicate, fragile and must be treated w/ care. A Nacra20 is a big wonderfully strong catamaran that needs TWO experienced crewman to sail properly.

I wouldn't recommend either boat to a "Newbie"
