Sounds like a monthly column where someone who gives Rick a high-quality photo of a sailboat on the course (upwind, or down) and he (or other experts - champions, designers, etc.) could pose their critique of the various aspects (hull trim, weight placement, sail trim, etc.)

Maybe have a tech tip column as well, outlining the latest tweeks that the champs are using (should they choose to disclose it)

And a column for the Franken-boaters on what to consider when adding a spin to a particular non-spin boat, hooters to Waves, switching rudder systems, adding wings, etc.

I'm sure there would be a lot of contributing writers out there on the above topics.

Although, I must admit I haven't seen an issue of catsailor in a while. Must get that straightened out today....

Jake, do you work for the circulation department at Catsailor? That was a smooth pitch there.... <img src="" alt="" />
