Mary --

Just because you have never experienced the Olympics as a driving factor in your sailing does not mean that the rest of the sailing world shares your opinion. Where I'm pretty sure that I'm the minority in this discussion, I know for a fact that there is an overwhelming number of sailors, youth or not, who consider the potential of Olympic competition incredibly inspiring.

Very well said Sarah.

Mary, to help answer your question.....

I began sailing at quiet a young age. Through my teen years I slowed down with my sailing and eventually stopped to persue another passion of mine, Tae Kwon Do, with a strong desire to represent at an Olympic Games. Due to injuries and to put it quiet simply, not being good enough..... I did not even come close.

Due to frustration and my body telling me it was not a good idea, I turned back to sailing in my mid 20s with an aim to represent in the Tornado Class. It was my desire to compete for my country in an Olympics that brought me back to sailing and step up my level of sailing further.

I later realised it was an unrealistic goal for me and am now happy to race at club and local regatta level, whislt competing to the best of my abilities at International Regattas.

So to answer your question, the Olympics brought me back to sailing and gave me a goal to set my eyes on even though I did not get close. I am sure I am not the only person who shares a simular story........ So I guess the Olympics have given something back to Multihull sailing even if it is only small.