Every few weeks or so I do a round of all the new (catamaran) sailing related things on the internet. It is an activity that had to do as the F16 class chairman (to keep tab on things) but sort of continued doing after finishing that role.

And this time I was very pleasantly surprised to find this new item on our own F16 website !

Link to Nick's photo gallery on <...="_blank">www.formula16.org</a>

It is about Nicks new boat and he seems to have worked out a very interesting way of building a foam cored modern hullshape. I find this concept extremely interesting, especially for a possible application in building a F12 hull.

So please Nick (or Ncik) tell us more, what are you experiences so far ? Does it work out as intended. Is it a viable new way of allowing a homebuilder to make his own competitive F16 hulls. We all are aware that the sourcing of marine grad ply is getting harder and harder. So maybe this is a good alternative ?


Last edited by Wouter; 04/16/07 04:01 AM.

Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands