Those poor chaps could have had PERFECT sail trim for the whole race EXCEPT at that moment, and some group of armchair commodores are gonna bust their balls about it?

I don't see anything wrong with analyzing a photograph. Still photos are excellent teaching tools. The identity of the sailors, the ability of the sailors, and the context of the situation are not really pertinent in discussing the photo itself. There is no way to be judgmental about it. It just shows what it shows, as far as mast rotation and leech twist. No way to say whether this was good or bad in that particular situation, that particular second in time. The photo can still be analyzed, just on its own merits in a generic kind of way -- like a file photo that a magazine pulls out for an article to illustrate a certain type of trim.

What is bad is when people start criticizing the sailors based upon that photo.

Last edited by Mary; 04/26/07 01:30 PM.