Gee there are some really biased post on this thread, ANYTHING that is relatively safe, gets people off their fat rear ends away from TV, computers, and “video” games, and out onto the water has to be good for all types of water activities, - even sailing -, so although this is obviously not “the future of sailing”, it is still all good.
It just surprises me a little at how this thread turned into an active blatant free plug for Hobie? (Not that there is anything wrong with that, as Sienfeld would say). I must say that sailing cats is my first preference by a country mile, but I still appreciate and encourage ALL other forms of water sports, and although I do feel that there has never been anything detrimental to sailing from Hobie (quite the reverse) a few of the people sailing Hobie cats over the years should have taken a more tolerant view of the other many sailers and sailing craft than they have, particularly when the 14’ and 16’ were at their peak of popularity. Positive action and deeds can only serve the “greater good” better than derision heaped on the non-Hobies by the few over the years. (A compliment brings a smile; a derogatory word is never forgotten)
I love the concept of the drive system Matt and would love to know who it was who actually came up with the Hobie adaptation of this principal for use in the Hobie Kayaks? The principal has been known for many years but to my knowledge has never been adapted before for any commercial use (with the possible exception of Gondolas and their like).