People just don't realize the "OLD HOBIE 17" is hard to beat in a blow with the Portsmouth number. They usually always win around here in the high Portsmouth races.

Hmmm... That would mean that their is something wrong with the Portsmouth number for the Hobie 17!..

You could say... the wings in a blow really help that boat stay powered up and that is why its fast.

You could say... Wow... in a blow... the Hobie 17 is remarkably close to the spinaker boats on elapsed time ..... its fast for a 17 foot boat in those conditions.

You could say... Skipper XXX has lots of experience and is fast in a blow.

BUT you can't say... its a portsmouth beater because its fast in a blow.

Now... if you have data which says the B4 and 5 ratings are too HIGH... please send them along to Jamie and US Sailing!

Since its SAILORS who go racing... you are much better off with acknowledging their skill and not their boat choice. Remember even in an Olympic/Proffesional fleet like the Tornado... the sailors are finishing over 10 to 15 minutes... And that is one design...

