I bought a Hobie 16 because that is what everyone else had.
I think the boat and the manufacturer we prefer has a lot to do with what's going on in your area. We all want to protect our sailing way of life.
The F18's are causing a healthy cross over between groups that once would not get together.
I do feel that the depth of talent is still deeper in the H16 fleets than any other. The F18's are catching up fast.
I had the opportunity to sail a tiger in some wind over Labor day and it was a blast.
It was a bit wavey and I couldn't get it to stay in a groove downwind very long. When it did happen the boat just takes off and I got the perma-grin going.
I also buried the thing up to the cross bar and it popped back up. Also very cool.

I race with my daughter on the 16 and in 2004 when she was 9 years old and weighed 65lbs we made the cut at the Nationals in Syracuse. The cheer she recieved and the smile on her face when they announced her name at the cut party will always be my best sailing memory.

The H16 seems to offer more of those type of opportunities than do the big hi-tech boats.

Pat Bisesi Fleet 204