my AHPC rudders stall to easily leading often to a broach. When I'm sharp mentally then I'm able to make the right corrections early on in the proces and survive. On Tuesday I wasn't and after righting my boat several times I was losing more and more of my concentration and tipping it in more often as a result. with the spinnaker, the boat has slight lee helm and loads up the rudders much less when the bows burry. This is one reason why I always pull a spinnaker for downwind work no matter what the conditions are. The rudders made by Hans are much better and hardly ever stall, also the Blade hulls have much less resistance against baring off even when the bows burry.


Do you know the section profiles of your AHPC rudder and the profile of Hans' rudder?

Would be good if can find optimal profiles for high-speed cats. There is some information on slower, highly competitive classses, like the 505 (they seem to prefer NACA 0010 or 0012).
