The # 1 consideration is weight as far aft as possible, usually I stay on the wire all the way at as I can be ad my crew sits on the rear beam and readies for the hoist. The aim here is to keep the rudders in the water as much as it is to keep the bows up. No rudders, no steering. I try not to sheet out the main at all, maybe a foot at most, but I will travel all the way down. Keep in mind the spin is about to go up and masts break when the main is sheeted out.

Consideration 1a is turn down QUICKLY!. I try to get to a very broad reach with as much haste as possible. Once the spin is up, no problem.

1- weight aft
2- turn down fast

I always had the weight aft part down, but once i figured out that I had to get deep really really fast my incidences of pitchpoling basically ended, even in 30kts plus

good luck,


Granted the I20 is a tough boat to pitchpole, but believe me, it can be done. I have found this technique works on the HT as well.