Hi Mary,
I don't have any objection to letting people know who I am. I just couldn't figure out how to choose a Handle, It seems "Stranger" just appeared under my user name. This is my first time posting, though I have been a reader for several years. My user name is simply whats on my license plate, kind of an inside joke, to see if anyone recognized me. My name could be taken either way, female or male. I would rather not have it on every post anyway, nothing to hide, just a personal preference. I would be more than happy to be known as Lady Racer, or something similar. I do agree that other women might be more open to expressing an opinion, if they saw that they weren't the only woman posting.
On another note, I think I'm ready to give up the "Old Forum". This one seems much more civilized. The reason I did not use it more is that I like to browse, and usually don't have a particular subject in mind. It seemed that on this forum I had to know what I was looking for, where on the old one I could just scroll down, and keep up with everything quickly. I guess all I need to do is browse the threads until I find one that interests me. By the way, GREAT JOB with the web site, and thank you for all the work to keep it running.
Teri McKenna, Lady Racer