whoah, go away for 10 days and be faced by 48 new messages that need your attention !
<br>I see that I'm a little behind.
<br>I see that both John P and Steward are itching to design a F16 HP (!!!) from scratch :
<br>If I remember correctly another F16HP collegue said something along the same lines.
<br>If Wouter gets Ventillo on board too than we'll have four teams working on four new and optimized to F16HP designs ! Can someone please pinch me for I must be hallucinating.
<br>'My views :
<br>Okay on 9 mtr. max mast
<br>Okay on width 2,5 mtr. if wings are still allowed. So 2.5 is max width base platform.
<br>Okay on genaker area 17,5 sq.mtr. (but I'm biased for I'll be sailing solo alot)
<br>Okay on luff length 7,550 mtr. and taking hoist height in stead of actuall draw height.
<br>Not okay on min weight up to 110 kgs, I vote for min. 100 kg's
<br>Not okay on max length 5,05 or so, keep 5.0 mtr. and make an exception for the 5,03 mtr. long Stealth. Newly designed stealth NOT included in this exception.
<br>ISAF for handicap calculation sounds better than Texel. ISAF has a better International ring to it and will be accepted more easily by non Dutch sailors. And isn't France (a major player) using ISAF officially ?
<br>On regulating boards, can't we leave this open and correct any rating differences using the jib area ?
<br>Now on F18 equality. A very nice concept and must be kept into the framework but it looks like the F16HP can go alot faster. Isn't it a good idea to open up a way to grow to a truelly maximized F16HP.
<br>I had a discussion with Wouter just last sunday about this and the idea was coined to regulate F18 equality in the F16HP framework and use this setup for solo sailing and for the first F16HP races like maybe Texel 2002/2003 or a Caribian regatta. Later when the class has started we de-regulate genaker size and abandon the F18 equality for pure F16HP 2-up races (solo will still use the F18 equality setup). This will mean that the F16HP 2-up will fly bigger genakers of probably around 21 sq. mtr. maybe even with longer poles and use the large 4 to 4,25 sq. mtr. jibs.
<br>This will make the F16HP about 3 % faster (according to wouter and don't ask me how he calculates these things) and put the F16HP somewhere halveway between the iF20 and F18 performance. He also said something about beating the iF20 in light air but I can't remember wether that was on handicap or allout.
<br>I probably said more than I should have, sorry Wouter, but there is something irrisistable about pushing the F16HP passed the F18 and onto the iF20.
<br>If I understood it correctly, the upgrade from "equal to F18"to F16HP allout would involve a new genaker, replacing (or adding) the hoist point, buying a bigger jib and bending two aluminium tubes into wings. I quote Wouter: "conversion cost about NFL 2500,- (US$1000,-) or less." The smaller genaker (and smaller jib) can be kept for solo sailing or F18 handicap racing or use to implement a F18 style of equalizing crewl weight differences.
<br>It sounded good on the beach. And sorry for steeling your scoop Wouter.

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