I have always taken the meaning from context, but cannot find specific definition. If it's on this website, I couldn't find it. But I just now learned there was a homebuilder forum, can't believe I missed that.

Anyway, on catamarans does 1-up mean 1 crew AND 1 sail? Or does it simply mean 1 sail regardless of crew count? As I understand cat rigged, when you take your cat out w/ main only, you might generally be described as cat rigged, but technically not. Is an A-cat cat rigged?(I read cat-rigged as purposely designed to run on mainsail only. the main is enlarged and stepped further forward) By contrast I see 2-up as part of the specification for determining Portsmouth, which seems to say main and jib and 2 crew, but I don't see it defined.

If these are defined discussed somewhere, please point me to it and let this thread sink. Steve