Hey gang.....
I am giving my 5.2 a make over, as is my friend in Houston. He is giving his the same. We have been conversing many, many, times and we seem to be both on the same page and have the same issues. His is an '82 and mine is a '77.
Okay, I know this subject has been beaten to death. Paint....
I have a few gel coat crazings. Nothing major, just 30 years of the Texas sun. What should I do?
Next, should I use the existing paint as my primer? I am changing colors. I don't like the all white. I am giving her a white with a blue tint color.
Third....auto paint or marine grade paint. The only difference is the copper content. If she were not a trailer sailor, then I would, hands down, choose the marine grade paint, but since she's going to be out of the water more than in the water, I don't see why I couldn't use auto paint.
Someone please point me in the right direction.
I also have a crossmember in the front portion of the starboard hull that has come detatched, so a little bit of glass work and she's strong as ever.

My pride and joys and my daughter, Chloe and our Nacra 5.2!!!