Good timin' for the thread as this video virgin is preparing to maybe take some video of the Philippines Hobie Challenge. I could use some good tips.

First, and please don't take this personally, but Tony's video was pretty boring. It didn't show anything -- one angle. Karl's was better cuz there was a person in the shot you could focus your attention on. But even Karl's wasn't all that exciting.

Now I realize I have an even taller task -- trying to get exciting video footage from a Hobie 16! But here are some of my questions...

A helmet cam shot seems ideal -- theoretically. But it sounds like there are stabilization issues. 1) Any way to get around that? 2) Where would you mount a cam on a Hobie 16? 3) What angles would create the most exciting viewing? (And please, try to refrain from driving a 747 through that open-ended question!! Keep the last answer sailing-related. Thank you!)

Thanks for your input and ideas. Hopefully we'll come back with some good footage.

Time Warp Racing
Hobie 14, 16, & 17, Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 45.2