No scales to measure the weight in Singapore, so still speculation as to whether it is 125kg, or above/below that.

Beams do look like the Capricorn beams, big and chunky and making the boat look a lot bigger than 16 feet. Not sure where they manufacture those though.

Though to add my observations on the seeing the Viper on the water, crew weight on the Viper needed to be moved a long way forward to compared to other catamarans. Upwind in the light stuff needed the crew on the front beam (or forward if possible) as the bows tend to ride high and you want to get them down to water level.

And downwind in 10 knots it is really strange seeing how far forward the crew and skipper are. Almost upwind mode really. I was going wild and sitting towards the back beam on the A and the Viper guys were near the front beam. Would be interesting to see this boat in 20 knots, but that tends to be a rare occasion in Singapore.

For me if choosing this boat, would look at what crew weight you would be sailing with. If on the heavy side (145 kgs plus for 2-up) then this is a better choice compared to other platforms. But if you are sailing at those weights you are really getting to ideal F18 crew weights.