I have made loads of spinnies. Some can be seen on the F16 web I think. Isn't John Alani using one. I used sailcut and then modified the last files in cad. There was a luff problem turning a symm to asyym. Maybe the updated software would help. I have loads of dxf files for the spinnies which i am happy to put into the public domain if anyone wants them.

More interesting is mainsail development.I have been playing with double skinned mains to give a wing effect (like a paraglider) and mainpulating each skin by rotating the mast: essetial for tacking! This changes the windward and leward skins. There are loads of patents on this but no-one had used the mast rotaion before. Hopefully this post will prevent any patent being put on the idea.

Have a look at up to date paraglider shapes.

Let me know your thoughts.

Last edited by davidtugwell; 02/29/08 06:58 AM.