Hello All,

Rick White recently editorialized about the cat racer’s returning to Yacht Clubs to continue racing. Yacht clubs are private institutions and in many areas they don’t allow non members to compete in the events they host. Back in the day, many of these yacht clubs organized and set aside their different agendas to improve sail boat racing by forming a regional sailing authority. The Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association (CBYRA) is one example and these regional sailing authorities are now recognized under US Sailing. The deal was that if you were a member of a CBYRA member Yacht Club, you were allowed to come and race at any of the CBYRA club’s invitational regattas. The sport grew.

CBYRA, is currently conducting a survey to gather information to improve sailboat racing on the Chesapeake. Beach Cats are a recognized handicap class within CBYRA and our input will be noted. My goal is to get all of the cat racers who have competed at events of CBYRA member clubs to take a few minutes and complete the survey. You don’t have to be a member of a club or the CBYRA itself to contribute. So, if you are a Hobie racer and competed at Reheboth Bay Sailing Association, a Fleet 32 member competing in the Virginia Beach Tidewater area , or any racer competing at any of the Mid Bay Yacht Clubs (West River, Sailing Association, CambridgeYC , Corsica River or Miles River Yacht Clubs and Southern Maryland YC events. Please take a minute and take the survey.
The link is:

In the survey You have an opportunity to highlight the great job that Rehoboth Bay Sailing did for you or West River Sailing did with the A Cat NA's... .. or however you feel.

Please take a moment and get counted!

Mark Schneider
