Bimare makes great boats. Is the mast a Riba carbon mast? I would actually trust the Riba mast on the HT above any other beach cat mast. Despite what everyone has said about the Jav2 in the past, I have sailed 2 for a year or so and their durability is actually quite amazing given their lightweight (they do, however, have that lightweight boat problem of easily dented skin).
The hull at the transom seems a little narrow. Have you noticed the rear beam digging in?
Looks like the rudder set up on the X16 is the same as on the HT. If you want to know a great and easy way to make them simpler with an easier pull down method let me know. The way we do it also allows it to come up if you run aground.

Last edited by PTP; 04/13/08 09:14 AM.