When Chuck first came up with the Tybee 500 idea, I thought it would be a great event, but hated to see it go in conflict with the Worrell 1000. I suggested at the time to run it in the fall and not butt heads with grandaddy of events.
As it turned out, that was the year the Worrell was canceled, so there suddenly was no conflict.
The second year, they offered two venues at the same time.., Tybee 500, or OBX 1000. Most teams did opt to only go half way.., sort of ruined the event, in my opinion.
Love to see the W1k come back, and move the Tybee to the fall.
But, wish in one hand, and s*** in the other and see which one gets fullest fastest.

Rick White
Catsailor Magazine & OnLineMarineStore.com